Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's a ...

In August, we had our first "big" ultrasound, which produced a modest baby who did not want to share it's gender. Surprisingly I was OK with that. I even considered not finding out at all. But those who know me well, know that that wouldn't last long. I've got a nursery to decorate and baby stuff to prepare for.

Our next appointment was Sept. 2. As the ultrasound started, baby was breech. It wasn't moving at all. The doctor thought we were going to have another secret ultrasound. I told her to poke, prod or whatever it took to move it around. And so she did. She began bouncing on my stomach. Sure enough baby decided to kick it's legs up.

"Looks like we have a misses!"

After telling Josh that meant it was a girl, he scowled at the doctor and hid under the chair. It was not the response he was looking for.

Before the appointment, I myself wasn't sold on the idea of a girl. But the minute she was announced I was so excited! I can't wait to meet this little girl!

Everything is looking great and we hope that will continue. We are still on track for Addison Grace's arrival sometime mid-December.


april said...

Congrats!! I am excited for you! Addison is such a cute name ;)

Ronda said...

So much fun! You will love havin one of each!

Jessica Draper said...

Congrats!! Little girls are fun. Just wait til ya start shoppin! Watch out!