Friday, May 25, 2012

Family fun...

So last week, Addi turned five months old.  I can't believe how fast time is going.  Each month I take a picture of her with her boppy pillow to see how much she grows. Now instead of laying on it, she can sit in it.  Who knows, maybe next month she'll be able to sit up all on her own.

Cindi, Jeff, Kira and newest cousin Gavin came to visit.  He's just four months younger than Addi.  Look how cute they are together!  They're already best buddies.

 Grandma and Grandpa Miller with their two newest grandkids...

Josh finished swimming lessons.  He did great!  He can't wait to go swimming this summer to show off his new skills!

Enjoying some quality time together.  Don't you love the flip flops!

1 comment:

RobandNat said...

Fun! She is so darling! (and I can't believe how much she looks like Josh)