Friday, September 10, 2010

Petersen Ranch round-up

***WARNING: This is a long post. Prepare for lots of pictures!

Josh is turning four! I can't believe how fast he is growing up! To celebrate the upcoming big day, he had his first "friend" party. It was a cowboy roundup. He invited his best friends - Ben, Logan and Carter (who couldn't make it). By order of the sherriff (Josh) girls were not allowed. Every cowboy needs a hat, bandanna and gun. We also painted on mustaches for those that wanted them.

here's the invitation - I think they turned out awesome!

The cowboys decorated their paper-bag cowboy vests...

We played a cowboy version of Pin the tail on the donkey. Either we have some excellent players or sneaky cheaters. Everyone seemed to land on the right spot...

There was a shoot-out. The boys had loads of fun shooting their guns...
We had cupcakes. Although Josh says that cowboys don't eat cupcakes...
Every cowboy needs some trail mix. The boys had lots of fun making (and eating) their own trail mix with m&ms, jelly beans, marshmallows, teddy grahams, goldfish, pretzels, and raisins.
The cowboys needed to see what trails to follow. Good thing they had a map!

Cowboy Josh and Grandpa (who was kind enough to help wrangle these cowboys)...
The boys had lots of fun! Josh loves playing with his friends...
It was a fun afternoon! One party down, one (maybe two) more to go!

1 comment:

Jed and Rebecca said...

Fun birthday party! I love all the little ideas you had. You are such a cute mom.