Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pulling on my heartstrings...

Last night, Josh told us all about our new dog...

He's a black dog named Digger.

According to Josh he won't pee on my carpet or chew his toys. He might dig in the garden, but Josh said he'd shoo him out. At night, Digger would sleep with Josh, in Josh's bed. We could build Digger a dog house and put it in the middle of the yard, but he won't live out there until he's bigger.

"Don't worry mom. I'm not allergic to dogs anymore."

Josh promises to take care of him and walk him every day.

Josh thinks that we should go on Wednesday to the pet store to get him. I told him we already have plans on Wednesday. "OK, I can wait until Thursday."

Josh was just so cute about it. He has thought everything through. At one point, I was starting to give in on the idea, especially if Josh will sleep in his own bed. But then the thought of me cleaning dog-pee carpet pops back. Sorry Josh. Try again later (which he does first thing this morning). I have a feeling I'm not going to win this battle. He really knows how to work me!


april said...

I totally know what you are going through. We just got a dog a couple of weeks ago. She is a 3 year old, which means she is already house trained, yip-eeeee! We tried a puppy a couple of years ago, and I will never do that again. I am not a dog person. She was super cute, but cleaning up dog pee and poop, not a good time. Good luck!

RobandNat said...

You are going to have to just break down and get the poor kid a dog. In fact, now that I think about it, you can have ours. haha. I agree with April, get one that is a couple years old and already trained. You could pick the breed that you want and then look for specific rescues for that breed.